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Why Summer in Melbourne is an Ideal Time to Restore Your Roof


As with any business that offers services that are conducted outdoors, roofing companies often find themselves at the mercy of the weather. Rain and high winds can impact roof restorations in a number of ways, from increasing safety risks to workers, to causing damage to roofs and not allowing sealant or paint enough time to properly dry. Lead time can drag out if roofers don’t get consecutive days of consistent weather to complete a job.

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Photo: Top Glaze Roofing Systems

Drying time is arguably the most prevalent issue with conducting roofing works between late autumn and early spring. Paint needs to be able to stick to the primer but can’t do so if it is too wet or cold. These conditions also make it extremely difficult for the paint itself to dry. Solar Glaze®, a patented product of Top Glaze Roofing Systems is an advanced polymer resin that expands with the heat and contracts with the cold, making it a perfect solution for the extreme Melbourne climate. It also acts as an insulating property and it won’t peel, blister or flake like other cheap roof paints. It also contains Teflon in the final coat to resist dirt and other foreign materials from forming on your roof.

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Photo: Top Glaze Roofing Systems

Certain weather conditions can also create hazards for roofers. Frosty mornings can leave dew on tile roofs, resulting in a slip hazard. Dewy roofs shouldn’t be walked on until the dew evaporates, as it is often akin to trying to walk on ice. Strong winds can knock trees onto roofs, causing catastrophic damage and placing the residents at significant risk or injury. Strong wind can also throw roofers off balance while they are working if they’re not careful.

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Photo: Top Glaze Roofing Systems

So, with summer around the corner, consider having your roof looked at by a professional roofing company to determine if any work needs to be done and make sure to try and book in your roofing job while the weather is a little drier and warmer, so as to avoid the issues mentioned in this blog.

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Melbourne in Summer. Photo: Melbourne City College

Top Glaze Roofing Systems® are a licensed and experienced roofing company that have been servicing Melbourne and its surrounding suburbs since 1987. To organise a professional assessor to come out and provide a free no obligation roof report and quote for all your roofing needs, call 1800 88 77 98 anytime.


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Top Glaze Roofing is Melbourne’s leading provider of roof repairs and roof restorations. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people with our high-quality, affordable roof repairs and restorations, since we first started operating back in 1987.
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