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Why Should You Hire a Roofing Contractor?


Fixing your roof can be a difficult, tedious, and downright dangerous job. Before you watch a few YouTube videos, buy the material, and set to work, think through the disadvantages of redoing the shingles on your own roof. In some cases, turning this into your own project may have more benefits than hiring a professional, but for most, this could have negative consequences.

Before setting out at least price out a roofing contractor to see if it is really worth it. You may find by the time you buy the materials and put an extensive amount of time into it, it just isn’t worth it to do yourself.

Depending on what field you are specialized in, you might have absolutely no knowledge of how roofing works, and what the best techniques are. Most roofing professionals spend hours upon hours working with other contractors, perfecting the skill before setting out in business on their own. They are licensed and know exactly how much material will be needed for your home.

Those setting out to do this project for their own home have a tendency to either grossly over or underestimate how much material will be needed.

No amount of research and studying will give you the same knowledge that experience can. You don’t want to make an experiment out of your home—get the roof replaced properly the first time to prevent further projects from being needed.

By doing a poor job yourself, you will only be spending more money hiring somebody else to take care of the mess you created. Top Glaze has the best range of help if you’re looking for Melbourne roof repairs.

Why You Shouldn’t DIY It on Your Roof

Despite the key role that a roof plays in protecting a home, many DIYers insist on attempting this project by themselves to save money. However, reroofing is one of the most dangerous home improvement projects out there, and doing it improperly can lead to disastrous consequences. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you leave your roof replacement in the hands of experienced roofing professionals.

Your Lack of Experience

Chances are that you do not have an in-depth knowledge of how roofing works. Most professionals in the industry dedicate hours and hours perfecting their skills with other contractors before they set out in business on their own. They are licensed, experienced and know exactly how much material they will need for a project. DIYs who attempt to do this project on their own tend to either grossly under- or overestimate the amount of material that they need.

Regardless of how much research you do, you won’t be able to gain the understanding that roofing professionals have, so it’s best to leave this complicated project in experienced hands. Your roof is not something you want to experiment with — it’s better to get it properly replaced the first time to avoid needing repairs later on. Homeowners who attempt a reroofing project on their own to save money often end up spending more money, as they have to hire a professional to fix the mistakes they made.

High Risk of Injury

People fall off roofs every day, and many become seriously injured or die. Even if you’re extremely cautious when walking on your roof, keep in mind that you may not be as aware of your surroundings since you will be learning a new skill and most of your attention will be focused on reroofing. If you stop paying attention to your footing for even a second, you could slip and fall off the roof. Top Glaze has a wide range of Melbourne roof restoration services.

Other potential roofing dangers include:

  • Unstable roof: Roofs, especially if old or installed improperly, may not necessarily be able to support your weight. It could also bow on a hot day or have trusses that aren’t intact. Professionals know how to inspect the underlayment and assess the stability of a roof.
  • Improperly placed ladder: Poorly placed ladders lead to numerous fatalities every year. When placing your ladder, you must make sure it’s at a 4:1 angle, the top is above the roofline and the feet are secure. Never forget to inspect your ladder before you use it.
  • Weather: Snow, ice and high winds always pose a hazard if your roof is slippery. Membrane roofs are particularly slippery when wet and should be avoided in these conditions.
  • Lack of edge awareness: Sometimes people become so wrapped up in their project that they forget where the edge of the roof is.
  • Holes in the roof: A fall through a poorly covered roof hole or unguarded skylight can be just as deadly as falling off the edge of the roof.
  • Improper training: If a person working on a roof has not been properly trained in the correct safety procedures, they are a rooftop safety hazard and could injure themselves or others.
  • Incorrect use of fall protection gear: Examples include a lanyard that’s too long, a poorly anchored railing or a weak tie-off point. It is critical that you understand how to use fall protection equipment properly.
  • Poor line of sight: Shingle bundles, chimneys and ridge vents could block egress on your roof. Make sure to maintain a good line of sight so you’ll always know where you are in relation to the edge of the roof.
  • Steep pitch: The steeper the pitch of your roof is, the easier it is to fall. Make sure the shingle bundles and fall protection are secure before you set foot on your roof.
  • Lack of specialized tools: You will likely not have the specialized tools that roofing professionals use to stay safe. Although roofing has been around for centuries, the techniques are always changing. It’s best to leave this task to a person who has been through all the twists and turns in the industry.


If you manage to do your roof correctly the first time, it may save you some money, but the amount of time it will take will be immense. Most DIYers who attempt to reroof know very little going into the project and have to spend countless extra hours learning the techniques as they go.

But no matter how much time you spend on your roof, it could be all for nothing if you make even the tiniest mistake.

If you make a major mistake, in most cases, you’ll have to call up a roofing professional, which will ultimately cost you much more money. If a roofing company makes an error, they will correct the issues, usually at no extra cost to you. If you make the mistake, however, having a professional correct it could be quite pricey.

Before you commit to doing the roof yourself, first think about all your options. Once you’ve bought all the required materials and tools, hiring a roofing professional doesn’t seem as expensive, especially if you consider all the time you’ll be saving.

Why Hire a Roofing Contractor for Your Home?

In a normal year, the country gets at least 12 named storms. Among these are three major hurricanes that can cause serious damage. If you’re in an area where your home is prone to damage, your roof will face some serious battering.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Roofer

Most people think that they can fix their roofs on their own.

What they don’t know is that it’s much better to hire a roofing contractor to fix it. A roofing contractor is the best investment you can make when it comes to such an important part of your home.

How is hiring one better than fixing your own roof, though? Read on to learn how hiring a professional is the better choice. See why you should consider them instead of fixing your roof yourself.


The main reason you should hire professional roofing contractors is that they have experience in the field. Most contractors need to undergo at least two years of education before they can get their license.

This means that you can be confident in their ability to fix your roof.

These professionals have expertise in both theory and practical application.

This means that they’re already crafting methods to fix your roof in their mind at first glance. This is a quality that you can’t get by watching tutorials online.

Their experience also makes them perfect for the job as fixing a roof involves hard labor. The work they’ve done throughout the years improves their ability to work on various types of roofs.


Another reason to hire a roofing contractor is that they have the right equipment to do the job. Most people think that having a scrapper, glue, and a hammer is enough to fix their roof.

Professionals will have better equipment that will help them get the job done faster.

Things like drills, saws, and scoopers will help them eliminate any shingles they think should go. These often make it hard for a contractor to fix roofs because they get in the way.

Caulking guns, air compressors, and hammer tacker staplers will help them fix your roof. The best roofing contractor will even bring a generator to use for their work. This is the best-case scenario, as it means that they won’t use your resources to do their job.


Professional contractors also have the means to keep themselves and your house safe while they do their job. This is important as it means that your roof is not in any danger of collapsing.

This also means that it keeps you and your family safe while they work.

They also use things like ladder hoists, safety harnesses, and hard hats to keep themselves safe. Roofing involves using power tools, too. The proper equipment is important to keep themselves safe on the job.

Most people think that they don’t need proper safety equipment to do repairs. It’s not only a benefit for your home, but for you, too, when you hire a professional.


By hiring a professional, you also ensure that the repairs go faster. Professionals work faster with the equipment they have. This bodes well for you as it means that you have to deal with fewer days of noise.

The main issue with fixing roofs is that they make a lot of noise throughout the house. The roof connects to the whole house. This means that whatever goes down on the roof, you can hear throughout the entire house.

Getting the job done faster means you need not hear drills and knocks on the roof for long. You’ll be able to enjoy some quiet with your family by hiring professional roofers.

Cheaper Costs

Let’s say you get your roof fixed on your own. There’s no guarantee that your work will last as long as the work of a professional. Your work may even be a detriment to you along the line.

When something damages your roof, shoddy work may leave your roof worse for wear. This means that you have to spend more to fix the roof again.

When you hire a professional, though, you won’t need to worry about repairs for a long time. Professional results are often better and will last longer. This means that you won’t need to spend more later on after another hurricane or big storm hits.

Quality of Work

Do you want to know what makes hiring professionals better? They have access to material that will make your roof even better. Professional roofing companies will always aim to make their customers happy.

Most do this by using better materials to fix roofs with. Some use ceramic shingles to also help regulate the temperature of the house.

Some use their workmanship to make impressive designs on roofs. No matter what service you’re looking for, professionals may have it. This makes it a good idea to hire them for a prettier home, too. Take a look at our range of roof repairs Melbourne.

Peace of Mind

Another great reason to hire professionals is that it allows you to have peace of mind. Big renovations and repairs like this are always mentally taxing. There’s always the fear that things can go wrong.

With a professional, though, you’ll have peace of mind. This is because professionals will always get the job done, and they’ll do it right. Professional companies sign a contract with you that they have to uphold.

This means that if they don’t deliver on their end of the contract, you will have something to fall back on. Some even help you get insurance for your roof if damages are too much for them to cover.


Roof Inspection

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1800 88 77 98 or click the button below.

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