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Why Does Your Roof Tiles Need a Cleaning?


Want to keep your roof in pristine condition? Be sure that you’re doing the necessary maintenance by undertaking a periodic cleaning. Dirt, moss, and algae can all destroy your roof’s lifespan if they go unchecked for too long. However this is an easy fix with just one call – make sure that you take care of it quickly! When combined with other preventative measures like performing regular inspections on gutters or checking out chimneys occasionally as well, there are many ways to ensure the health of both your home and exterior appearance while also extending its life expectancy overall.

Roof cleaning is a task that many homeowners neglect, but it should be on your list of seasonal outdoor chores. Even if part of your roof isn’t in the shade, moss and algae will grow there due to dark and damp conditions. This can lead to water being trapped beneath the moss or fungi which then starts eating away at shingles causing decay as well as shortening its lifespan overall – not what you want for such an important structure!

Dirt and mildew can be found on your roof. However, these are not the only types of dirt you need to worry about because mold, algae, and moss also reside there too! All four do different things such as trapping moisture in order for decay to occur or making it harder for people who want to buy a home from you.

Take a look at how you can keep your roof clean. For any mildew or dirt, use the right equipment to get it all off easily and effectively! If moss is starting to grow on your shingles, then professional help may be necessary for removing that pesky growth – check out Top Glaze’s services today if so. And remember: when looking for new roofs in town? Check with Top Glaze first before heading anywhere else!

Why Clean Roof Tiles?

Roof moss, algae and dirt can have a number of impacts. Firstly, it absorbs moisture easily which adds weight to the roof putting it under stress and water entering your home’s roof space. Roof tiles do not dry in the sun as they are covered with moss, dirt or lichen that act like a barrier keeping them moist so there is potential for long-term damage such as wood rafters rotting; when this happens cracks may form on your roofs surface causing leaks into you house that will cause serious problems over time if left unchecked by an expert professional.

How To Clean Your Roof Correctly

Damage to Structural Bonds

It’s important to keep moss off of your roof so that it doesn’t cause any damage. Moss can grow well on cement, which means you often find the pesky plant in places like between ridge tiles and apex tiles or growing up through shingles. Once there is a significant amount of growth, these plants will agitate the structure by breaking apart bonds key for structural integrity!


Moss, algae and dirt build-ups on roof tiles are a common culprit of overheating in the attic. This is because they cover the top of your roofing material preventing heat from escaping out through it to cool off what’s inside – like you! Not only does this result in an uncomfortable living or working situation but can also create high energy bills for ventilation and air conditioning since that system has to work harder than usual trying to keep up with all that hot air coming into your home.

Blocked gutters

The presence of moss, algae or dirt on your roof tiles can also result in blockages in your roofline drainage system. The buildup of moss and other materials can clog gutters that run along the tiled roofs, leading to unsightly marks and dampness within the walls of a property. Top Glaze has Melbourne’s best range for help with any questions about repairing their rooftop as they are specialists when it comes to repairs for buildings across Victoria!

How to Clean Roof Tiles?

If you’re looking for a way to clean your roof by yourself, try using this two-part solution of 50% water and 50% bleach. Spray the mixture onto your roof with an attachable garden sprayer then scrub off dirt and mildew with a scrub brush without damaging any shingles while keeping them wet until they are all spotless!

Pressure washing is an effective method for removing dirt and buildup from a roof, but there are some precautions you’ll want to take before starting. For example, it’s important that your pressure washer has the correct pressure setting in order not to damage the shingles on top of your home or apartment building. Moreover, don’t use too much water at once – because this could also cause leaks if enough force is applied!

In some cases, when the moss or algae on your roof is stubborn and not coming off, a low-pressure wash system can be used to clean it. Some professionals will use the same method if they know that you want them to take care of this for you as well. This should only be done as an absolute last resort because these companies are knowledgeable about how much pressure your roof can withstand without being torn up in any way at all.

Using a Pressure Washer – Not Recommended

One of the most commonly used methods for cleaning roof tiles is to pressure wash them, but this can be risky. The water stream from a high powered pressure washer has been designed so that it gradually wears off over time; if you use one before its meant to – like right after installation or as an annual thing- then all the granular finish will come right off and reduce your tile’s lifespan significantly! Additionally, there is always a risk of flooding when using these types of tools because any small cracks in the roof tiles can let rainwater enter freely into spaces with no protection against it.

Pressure washers are not recommended for cleaning roof tiles because they destroy the surface of tile. Pressure washing may also void any warranties, so it is best to avoid such a method unless you want your investment in new roofing tiles ruined!

Using a Trowel or Stiff Brush

One of the easiest ways to clean your roof tiles is by removing dirt and algae from them. You can do this manually, or with a trowel if you want more precision. However, it’s best for dry days where there isn’t as much moisture on the tile so that they don’t stick together too easily when moving them around!

Using Chemicals

Moss, algae and dirt are the bane of many roof tiles. Fortunately there’s a number of chemical solutions you can use to clean them off! There’s moss killers that will kill any plants growing on your tiled roofs; fungicide is great for getting rid of mould or fungus spores which cause damage over time if they aren’t checked out right away; anti-moss treatments help to prevent future growth all while killing existing plant life. These chemicals should be applied after scraping up icky stuff like leaves with a stiff brush (just make sure not get it in eyes).

Remember to protect nearby plants and grass when using moss killing chemicals. These pesticides are designed to kill living organisms, not just specific types of fungus or algae. Ensure any runoff from the chemical does not go into drinking water sources or other bodies of water!

How to Prevent the Buildup of Dirt and Moss on Roof Tiles?

Once you’ve cleaned your roof, there are a number of preventative methods that will help keep it clean and safe. Check out our range of roof restoration services here. 

Regularly Clean Roof Tiles

If you want to keep your roof clean and dry, it is important that you do a good job of cleaning the tiles on it. Your regular tile-cleaning can prevent large buildup’s of dirt, moss algae or lichen; this will make sure moisture escapes freely from the space beneath them which in turn means there are no dangers to its structural integrity as well as making for an attractive exterior!

Inspect, Fix and Maintain the Roof

The best way to keep your roof clean is by inspecting it and fixing any broken tiles or sections. This will help prevent dirt from building up inside the cracks, so you can maintain a crisp look for years to come!

Install Copper or Zinc Strips

It is not just the color of your roof that makes it cool and modern, but also how well you maintain its health. For example, if there’s a lot of moss or lichen on top of your shingles then find copper strips to place across them so when rain comes down from the sky onto these metal pieces; any living organisms would die off because they are poisonous to plant life!

Dos and Don’ts on Clean Roof Tiles


Fortunately, there are a few ways you can get rid of these pesky mosses and algae. One way is to use bleach or copper sulfate (this will only work on the blue-green variety). Apply it as per instructions for both products before allowing time for degradation, then scrub away any remaining residue with water pressure from your hose. You may also opt to purchase commercial roof cleaning solutions that have been specially formulated specifically to remove different types of growths like lichens and fungi – just make sure they’re safe for use around plants!

Primarily, your roof is the first line of defense against leaks and water intrusion. So it’s important to clean moss on roofs regularly for best performance. Moss can also affect asphalt shingle aesthetics by causing them to curl up or blow off (eventually resulting in a leak). Cleaning algae from rooftops prevents icky bits that make homes less attractive…plus climbing onto your rooftop frequently increases wear and tear that may shorten its lifespan–so take care not to damage this critical part of home protection!

Don’t: Use a pressure washer to clean your roof, as it can quickly damage the shingles and cause leaks.

Do: Clean your roof with the power of bleach and water. Spray down a mixture of chlorine bleach and water to cover any stains or spots, then allow for it to sit on the surface for 15-20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly clean.

Don’t: Be neglectful of your landscape and surrounding areas, which the bleach solution can harm.

Do: Use a hose to thoroughly wet them down with plain water before covering them with plastic. Rinse again after using the solution on your roof by spraying more plain water onto their leaves and stems.

Don’t: Just blindly go on to try a second application of that same product, because you can do more harm than good if you don’t know what caused this problem in first place.

Do: Please be patient! The moss will eventually loosen to the point where it can be removed with a leaf blower, and rainstorms should wash away any algae left behind.

Don’t: Clean your roof on a sunny day, which will cause the bleach solution to evaporate too quickly, limiting its cleansing effects.

Do: The best time to clean your roof is on a cloudy day when the wind isn’t blowing and there are no threats of rain.

Don’t: Go up on your roof without safety equipment because it can be a very dangerous and unsafe thing to do.

Do: Clean your roof only after determining that you can easily walk its surface. If the slope is too steep to traverse, or if your house has more than one-floor level, hire a pro. When on top of the rooftop, make sure to wear slip-resistant shoes and be careful not to fall off into harm’s way by using eye protection for safety precautions as well!

Don’t: Wait until your roof looks like a fungal paradise to take action.

Do: Trimming back overhanging branches exposes the roof to sunlight and clears away leaves with a leaf blower. This keeps gutters clean and ensures roofs stay dry as possible.

Now that you know the best ways to clean your roof, be sure to follow these guidelines carefully. Note that our roof-cleaning tips only apply to asphalt shingles; consult with your manufacturer for cleaning instructions on other types of roofs. It’s wise not just because it will help avoid inadvertent damage but also as a courtesy so they can provide their own recommendations based on what type of material is used in construction. It’s specific needs when cleaned or repaired.


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