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Roof Restoration vs. Roof Repairs: Which One Do You Need?


Taking care of your roof will be one of the most important aspects of being a homeowner. You need your roof to function well so that it can protect you and your family. If your roof falls into a state of disrepair, then it can lead to many unfortunate problems. This is why it is so imperative to take care of any roofing problems right away. You want to be able to avoid the most negative consequences as much as possible.

When it comes to fixing your roof up, you will have many options available to you. Some people will choose to get completely new roofs when their old ones start to show wear signs. This can be an effective decision, but it may not always be the right one for you to make financially. You may want to look into a roof restoration service that can assist you.

Some people get confused about what exactly roof restoration is, though. If you are not familiar with the process, you might think it is the same as simple roof repairs. This is not the case, and these two processes differ quite a bit. Take a look at the following information so that you can learn more about the differences between true roof restoration and roof repairs.

The most important thing to understand is that roof repairs are generally meant to take small problems. There are major roof repairs, too, but, for the most part, roof repairs are done to fix things such as small leaks. If your roof has a hole in it or other small problems, then a repair job can fix these issues without replacing or fully restoring your roof. There are many situations where roof repair jobs will be the most practical solution to your problems.

You should also note that there are times where only a certain section of your roof will have damage. This could occur due to a storm or any other type of event. You may not need to have work done on a majority of the surface of your roof. The repairs being done on this one part of the roof may be enough to completely fix things in many cases. Top Glaze has a wide range of Melbourne roof restoration services. 

When Should You Choose One over the Other?

The roof of your house should always be a top concern. Not only is it an important aesthetic and physical aspect, but it also protects you and your family from the weather and other outside forces. To maintain your roof, you must do a regular physical inspection and cleaning. It is through this that you can spot damage and assess its severity. When you address these issues immediately, you spare your roof of further damage, and you save yourself a significant amount of time, effort, and money. Roof restoration and roof repair are your two options when addressing roof problems. When should you choose one over the other?

What Is a Roof Restoration?

Getting a roof restoration is quicker and less expensive than a full roof replacement. When taking on a roof fix, roofing contractors will place a new shingle overlay on top of any worn shingles. This not only improves the appearance of your roof but also offers a protective layer to prevent leaks.

If you have just a single layer of roof shingles, reroofing is an option. On the other hand, having two layers of shingles already installed rules out roof restoration due to building codes. In this case, you would need a full roof replacement. Other factors that can rule out reroofing are your roof materials and the pitch of your roof. Reroofing is also not an option if you have major water damage, soggy shingles or missing shingles. Finally, a reroof typically doesn’t last as long as a roof replacement.

If you’re unsure about reroofing your home, contact a local roofing company to help you determine if it’s the best option for you. They will ensure that your reroofing project complies with local building codes, which will provide you with the most satisfaction and peace of mind.

Roof restoration is a makeover of your entire roof. This includes cleaning and painting over old and worn areas, replacing broken tiles, and any other maintenance work your roof might need. Old and worn-out roofs can be restored to look new, and damages can be addressed with the process of roof restoration.

Compared to buying a new roof, a roof restoration is more cost-efficient and, if done properly, can extend the life of your roof to up to 10 years, protecting it from leaks and other damages. Some signs to look after when considering roof restoration are the presence of fungus and moss, damaged and lose roof flashings, rusting roof and rotting wood, holes in the roof, water stains on the ceilings and faded roof sheets. If your roof is deteriorating, the best thing to do is to ask for a professional’s opinion to assess its condition. 

What Is a Roof Repair?


Although you can get a roof replacement any time, your roof deck problems make roof replacement even more appropriate. To expose the roof deck, roofing companies will need to strip all of the old shingles from the roof. Then, they will install a new underlayment or felt. This will protect the roof deck from the elements. Then, roofing contractors will completely recover the roof deck with new shingles, which should last for at least 20 years.

This will address all of the problems you have with your roof, rather than simply covering up any damage, as with reroofing. If your roof deck has severe damage, your roofing contractor will need to repair it to prevent further damage. Holes underneath can permit water to drip down into the walls, causing damage to drywall and flooring. This kind of damage can lead to expensive repairs. Therefore, although roof replacement is a costly project, it will save you money in the long run. This is because it allows you to identify early signs of sagging and rot caused by water damage to the deck. Hence, a full roof replacement will provide you with full roof leak repairs.

Roof repair is done when only a certain, specific part of the roof needs fixing. Problems like roof leaks and damaged tiles need to be addressed immediately because they can cause even bigger and more extensive damage. Early action will save you money on bigger repairs. Some of the most common reparable damages that you can do yourself are replacing a damaged tile with a new one and replacing ridge vents.

However, if the damage is severe, such as multiple leaks, if your previous repairs have not been holding up or if the damage is simply too hard to address on your own, it is best to have a roofing specialist take a look at your roof.

Reasons Why You Should Perform a Roof Restoration

As the first line of protection against intense heat and cold and elements like snow: a roof is as essential as it is vulnerable. When the structure’s age, visible damage, and leaks start to manifest, it’s time to consider restoring or replacing your property’s roof.

But why substitute when you can restore? When you are facing problems with your rooftop, replacement is not your only option. Roof restoration is an excellent option to make your rooftop look magnificent and new again. So, you must understand the meaning of roof restoration and why you should consider restoring your rooftop.

As the name implies, roof restoration involves restoring your roof to its initial state without replacing it. You will achieve this by scrubbing, repairing, replacing, and painting the damaged sections instead of the entire roof. Restoration is inexpensive for property-owners as a complete roof replacement is quite expensive.

Therefore, if you conduct roof restorations periodically, your rooftop will last longer, retain its strength and endurance. Looking for roof restoration Melbourne? Look no further! Top Glaze has you covered. 

Why Should You Consider Restoring Your Roof?

The roof of your house is the first line of protection against the elements, including heat, cold and water. On the other hand, a roof’s protection is only as good as its state. Therefore, homeowners need to ensure that their roofs are always in optimal condition. Since they are exposed to so much, roofs tend to deteriorate faster than the rest of the house.

When your roof is damaged or simply old, you have two options: replace or restore it. But why settle for replacement while you can restore it.

Roof restoration involves reinstating the roof to its initial condition. The following are reasons why you should restore your roof:

To Improve Safety

A damaged or aged roof puts every inhabitant of your house at risk, including your friends, family and pets. Roof restoration ensures that the roof is in good condition for years to come.

It will be able to withstand the harsh elements like snow, rain and the summer heat much better after restoration. However, regular maintenance of the roof is recommended to fix any damages that may occur after being restored. You cannot really put a price on the safety of your loved ones. So, restoring your roof might be a small price to pay.

Improves Your Home Appeal

A home appeal is one of the primary reasons why most homeowners opt for roof restoration. With time the rooftop fades, rust, and wears, making it lose that shining look. When you notice such effects are occurring on your rooftops, you don’t have to replace them. Performing roof restoration will improve the entire appearance of your home.

Restoration Is Cost-Effective Than Complete Roof Replacement

Let’s face it; replacing your roof is a considerable investment. Labour costs and the cost of materials are substantial. Restoring your rooftop, on the other hand, demands less labour and materials. With the cost savings, you can enhance other different sections of your home. Cost-saving is a significant benefit, more so when your budget is low. Check out our range of roof restoration services here.

Increases Your House Value

It may reach a time when you decide to list your house for auction in the market. Your property’s appearance will significantly determine the price and how appealing it will be to potential buyers. Prospects who find a rooftop requiring repair most likely do not buy the house since the worn-out roof lowers its attractiveness.   

One way you can make your property more attractive is by enhancing the appearance of the roof. Performing roof restoration will make the rooftop appear newer and thus attract potential buyers. With some simple touches on the roof, your property listing price elevates.

More Sustainable 

Numerous piles of roofing waste reach landfills every year. Restoration is a much more ecologically friendly option since it allows you to recycle your existing roof.

Frequently, a roof replacement demands new sheathing and tiles. This process produces a lot of waste that ends up polluting the environment. However, roof restorations do not incorporate the sheathing, only the roofing materials.

Take Less Time

Replacing your roof is very inconvenient. You will have to leave the house for some time until the replacement work is done. However, roof restoration takes less time, and you will not suffer lengthy disruptions as roofers perform their job.

It Helps Avert Catastrophic Loss

Disregarding the reality that your roof is worsening does not make the trouble go away. The more time elapses, the more serious the potential damage and the cost needed to restore it.

Restoration Increases Your Roof’s Lifespan

Another good reason to opt for a rooftop restoration is that it will extend your roof’s life. Commercial rooftops generally last for approximately 20 years. When you carry out roof restoration, you can add 5 to 10 years to your roof’s life.

Restoration offers tax benefits

Roof restoration is categorised as a maintenance expense, while roof replacement is classified as capital expenditure. In many instances, you will pay a lower tax on upkeep by taking the current reduction versus capitalising the cost and recovering the expense through depreciation. 


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