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Roof Repair, Roof Restoration or Total Roof Replacement? Which One Do You Need?


Sometimes it can be hard to determine the condition of your roof and what your roof needs to be brought back to a watertight condition. How do we determine if it needs minor repairs? How do we know if it needs to be restored to its former glory? And how do we know whether it is best to just completely replace it? First, we must determine the difference between roof repair, roof restoration and roof replacement and what each entail.

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A roof repair often involves relatively minor work. Issues such as leaks or holes, cracked tiles, bent gutters, rotten timber or cracked eaves are some examples that fall under the category of roof repairs. These issues can often be fixed without having to restore or replace large sections of your roof, much less the entire roof. Usually, roof repairs are restricted to small areas of your roof and can be fixed without the surrounding areas being affected.

Roof restoration often refers to the act of restoring the look of your roof to the way it was when it was new. Your roof may be several years old, the paint may have chipped or faded, and moss may be growing on your roof tiles. Roof restoration often involves solutions such as roof cleaning, ridge cap pointing, painting or recoating. It is often amazing how much of a difference a high-pressure roof clean and a recoat can make.

Roof replacement is unfortunately a much larger issue than both roof repairs and roof restoration and is often far more costly. Roof replacement often entails replacing large sections of your roof or even the entire roof. Usually, roof replacement is needed when a roof is decades old or has been badly damaged in weather events such as storms, high winds and hail. Tiles and gutters may be falling off and leaks may be compromising the structural integrity of your roof and causing internal damage to your plaster.

So how should you determine whether you need roof repairs, a roof restoration or a total roof replacement? You can check your roof yourself for evidence of damage or decay, such as holes, leaks, cracked tiles and other tell-tale signs if you feel comfortable in doing so, however it is always recommended that you call a licensed roofing contractor to determine the full extent of your roofing issues. A licensed roofer has the qualifications and the experience to assess the situation and offer expert solutions to ensure the health and longevity of your roof.

If you are having trouble selecting a licensed roofing contractor, you could use Google to search for roofing companies in your area who have the value of years of industry experience, a wealth of knowledge and a great rapport with customers. You should never sacrifice your roof for any company or contractor who does not meet these requirements. After all, your roof is arguably the most important part of your home. 

Top Glaze Roofing Systems are a licensed and experienced roofing company that have been servicing Melbourne and its surrounding suburbs since 1987. To organise a professional assessor to come out and provide a free no obligation roof report and quote for all of your roofing needs, call 1800 88 77 98 anytime.


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