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How to Restore a Roof?


A complete roof replacement can be expensive in labour and materials, particularly if the existing roof must be removed first. Depending on the roofing system selected, costs average between $18 and $22 per square foot. Restoration, on the other hand, requires less labour and materials and thus costs about $6 to $9 per square foot. Commercial roofs typically last about 20 years restoration can add 10 to 15 years of life. You can defer complete replacement and make future plans for the expenditure in your capital budget.

Millions of tons of roofing waste end up in landfills annually. Because it allows you to reuse your existing roof, restoration is a much more environmentally friendly option. Plus, it can make your building more energy-efficient and may help it qualify for ENERGY STAR or LEED credits. Roof restoration is classified as a maintenance expenditure, while a replacement is considered a capital expense. In most cases, you will pay less tax on maintenance by taking the current deduction versus capitalizing the expense and recovering the cost through depreciation. Some Commercial roofs are depreciated on a 39-year schedule. Since roofs have an average life of 20 years, it’s wise to extend your roof’s useful life as long as possible.

Ignoring the fact that your roof is deteriorating doesn’t make the problem go away; it can only get worse. The more time passes, the greater the potential damage and the more it costs to restore it. At some point, the only option will be total replacement. Continued neglect can put your business, employees and tenants at risk. Top Glaze has the best range of services if you’re looking for Melbourne roof repairs.

What Is Meant by Roof Restoration?

Periodic roof repairs, maintenance, and replacements are very necessary to keep the life of the house going. Moreover, the full roof repair replacement requires a lot of investment, but doing so in instalments helps you reduce the expense and the time and effort you need to pay for the replacement.

Roof Replacement in Melbourne

So, in brief, roof restoration refers to cleaning and repairing the roof, making it weatherproof and look fantastic always. Looking for a roof replacement? Check out Top Glaze for a wide range of roof services. Following are some of the benefits that you can derive from periodic roof replacement techniques.

  • Roof replacement techniques help you reduce the absorption of moisture into the roof’s surface is made up of tiles. Moreover, you should also consider re-coating the roof with effective roof coating elements to avoid water logging during the rainy season.
  • A good replacement with the right product can also reduce the ridge capping from getting loose and protect your house and family members during a storm. The restorative techniques are given for the cornices, along with the addition of the ridge caps that help the roofs get sustained for a long time.
  • Another benefit that one can derive by replacing the roof periodically is the protection against harmful UV rays.
  • The timely roof replacement improves the house’s quality by providing purity of water run-off, which you can harvest and can even drink without facing any problem.

5 Steps to a Completely New and Restored Tiled Roof

The roof of your house is subjected to a lot of hardship. It is exposed to natural elements like sun rays, wind, storm, rain and snow. And there is overgrowth which can do more harm than you realise. To maintain the appeal and the lifespan of the roof, it is important to restore it.

If you have a tiled roof, you can be relieved because the restoration process for the roofs is easier and cheaper. There are a few steps to follow, which have been summarised here. Keep reading to find out the method in details.

Step 1: Removing Broken Tiles

One broken tile or multiple damaged ones must be removed immediately to ensure that it doesn’t affect the rest. The first step is to move the broken tiles to ensure that the rest of the steps can be performed easily. You can also inspect other forms of damage to ensure that these are repaired before proceeding.

Step 2: Pressure Washing To Remove Debris

Restoring the roof doesn’t only mean removing and replacing tiles. It also applies to cleaning and clearing the roof of debris, and pressure cleaning seems like the best way to do so. Pressure cleaning uses high-pressure water from a water blaster all over the roof. The pressure is what cleans the roof or hidden debris. It kills the germs and restores the appeal of the tiled roof to its former glory. Most roof restoration South Australia-based companies use this method to remove dirt from the roof’s remotest corner.

Step 3: Re-Bedding The Tiles

Re-bedding is mostly done for tiled roofs, especially if the ridge caps are loose. During this step, the ridge caps are removed, and the experts lay a new bed of concrete. Once the concrete is dry, pointing is applied. Pointing is the process of covering the gaps between two tiles that prevents water from seeping the roof structure. Many times, this process is skipped. However, when restoring the roof, make sure that the ridge caps are inspected.

Step 4: Applying Primer

After replacing the tiles, cleaning the roof and changing the ridge caps, the next step is to apply a primer or a sealer. Applying a primer helps make the roof waterproof and prevents water from entering the lower structures, which can be disastrous for the entire house. The number of coats required depends on the damage that occurred. The older the roof, the thicker should be the primer. Get expert opinion from roof restoration gold coast Australia based companies before proceeding with this step.

Step 5: Painting The Roof

Once the primer dries off, apply a coat of paint to finish the restoration work and give the roof a fantastic appeal. Pick the roof colour depending on your surroundings. If you reside in a hot area, go for light colours and opt for dark shades in a cold place. This will make your home energy efficient.

When is The Time to Repair, Replace or Restore a Roof?

The average home’s roof area accounts for over 30% of your homes visible surface, making it more susceptible to damage and decay from the elements. Your home’s roof is exposed to a periodical battering from storms and long periods of hot, dry and cold weather.

Constant exposure to temperature variations over time dramatically impact the resilience and weatherproofing of your roof. The continual expansion and contracting under extreme heat and cold causes your roof surface to buckle, crack, decay and fade.

Once your roof surface is compromised, damage to your home can ensue.

Crucial Signs Your Roof Needs Repair or Restoration

All too often, one of the first tell-tale signs of a problem in your roof is the appearance of watermarks in your ceiling. Many homeowners have experienced first-hand the anguish of arriving home to wet floors or damaged furniture and water emanating from their ceiling.

In most cases, the presence of leaks is more apparent during heavy rain or stormy weather, testing your ageing roof. As heavy downfalls batter your roof, rain seeps through porous or cracked tiles, compromised seals in flashing or rust in metal roofing. Check out our range of roof restoration services here.

heavy rain

Once water enters your roof area, it quickly creates havoc within your home. Mould rapidly forms in damp conditions and represents a severe health risk to your family. In extreme weather, excessive water buildup in your ceiling can cause it to collapse under its weight, inundating your home’s fittings and fixtures.

Crucial signs your roof needs repair or restoration urgently are:

  • Watermarks on your ceilings.
  • Water dripping from your ceilings during heavy rainfall.
  • A roof inspection reveals light emanating from cracked or misplaced tiles, rust holes in metal roofing or around fixtures.
  • Sagging roofline.
  • Ridge tiles need re-pointing (re-bedding).
  • Flashing around skylights has deteriorated or suffered damage.

Crucial Checks Every Roof Needs to Access Storm Damage

It makes good sense to assess your home for storm damage after heavy storms, especially after high winds or hail. Any damage will require closer inspection; damage rarely is limited to one location, so a thorough roof inspection is recommended. We advise engaging the services of a qualified roofing specialist. There are, however, some checks you may feel confident to do yourself.

We’ve created a simple checklist;

  • Do a quick visual check of your roof from ground level for apparent signs of fallen debris such as branches or other materials blown from nearby structures;
  • Hail storms can create real havoc on your roof, especially hailstones larger than 30mm.
  • Scan your roof area for obvious signs of damage to the surface of your roof, look for signs of dislodged or broken tiles or tears in flashing or bruising * in metal roofs.
  • Inspect gutters as they can quickly become clogged with excess leaf matter, branches or twigs.
  • All damage should be repaired as soon as possible by a qualified roofing contractor. When immediate repairs are not possible, ensure that your roof is watertight. Spot repair any minor damage with sealant, if however, your roof has suffered significant damage, cover the entire area with a tarp.

What Determines How Long a Roof Restoration Will Last?

Roof Cleaning

Roof cleaning is a very important element for a long-lasting roof restoration. When cleaning the roof, it is important all dirt and peeling paint is removed. If there is anything left on the tile’s surface, it will interfere with the roof membrane adhesion, resulting in the paint lifting or peeling. 

We use top of a line water blaster that pump out up to 4000psi ( pounds per square inch) and use two cleaning tools to clean your roof. We use a Whirlaway, pictured here, to clean over the tiles. If the roof paint is peeling, a turbo head must be used to go over the roof inch by inch to remove the peeling paint. The noses of the tiles are carefully cleaned with the turbo head. If not done correctly, your ceiling can be flooded, so it is important to move in the correct motion at the proper speed to ensure a dry ceiling and a good clean.

Product Application

Correct product application is pivotal for your roof restoration lasting. There are so many elements to applying the product correctly. The tip size, angle of the gun and amount of product applied are all very important factors that determine how long your roof restoration will last. You will find if you have a warranty issue and the product has not been applied correctly, and the manufactures warranty will be void. 

Our team has been extensively trained on all aspects of the application to ensure your roof restoration will last for long after the warranty period has ended. 

Quality Products

The roof can be perfectly cleaned, and you can apply the products exactly as directed, but if the products are of poor quality, there is no escaping a short-lived roof restoration. Poor quality products can result in paint fading quickly, paint lifting and peeling, and ridge capping is breaking down, just to name a few issues. Cheaper products are an easy way to save money on your quote, but unfortunately, they will cost you much more in the long run. 

A tradesman is as good as his tools (and products), because of this we have ensured we are using the highest quality products on the market for our Customers – our reputation depends on it! 


Roof Inspection

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